Home Tech TidyCal vs Calendly: A Comprehensive Review

TidyCal vs Calendly: A Comprehensive Review

Managing appointments and scheduling meetings can be a daunting task without the right tools. TidyCal and Calendly are two popular solutions that streamline the process, making it easier to organize your calendar and book appointments efficiently. In this review, we'll compare TidyCal and Calendly based on their features, pricing, ease of use, and overall value.

TidyCal vs Calendly
TidyCal vs Calendly

TidyCal vs Calendly: A Comprehensive Review

Managing appointments and scheduling meetings can be a daunting task without the right tools. TidyCal and Calendly are two popular solutions that streamline the process, making it easier to organize your calendar and book appointments efficiently. In this review, we’ll compare TidyCal and Calendly based on their features, pricing, ease of use, and overall value.



  1. Simple Scheduling: TidyCal offers a straightforward and user-friendly interface for booking appointments.
  2. Customizable Booking Pages: Users can personalize their booking pages to reflect their brand.
  3. Multiple Calendar Integrations: Sync with Google Calendar, Outlook, and other popular calendar apps.
  4. Booking Limits: Set limits on the number of bookings per day to manage your time effectively.
  5. Payment Integration: Accept payments via PayPal and Stripe for paid appointments.


  1. Flexible Scheduling Options: Calendly provides extensive options for scheduling, including buffer times, minimum scheduling notice, and event types.
  2. Integration with Tools: Integrates with a wide range of tools such as Zoom, Slack, Google Meet, and CRM systems.
  3. Automated Workflows: Automate reminders, follow-ups, and confirmations to reduce manual tasks.
  4. Group Scheduling: Allows for group events, round-robin scheduling, and collective availability.
  5. Custom Questions: Collect information from invitees through custom questions during the booking process.



  • Free Plan: Limited features but suitable for individuals or small businesses with basic needs.
  • Paid Plan: A one-time fee (typically around $29) for lifetime access, including all features and integrations.


  • Free Plan: Basic scheduling features with one calendar integration.
  • Premium Plan: $8/month per user, offering additional integrations and customization options.
  • Pro Plan: $12/month per user, with advanced features like automated workflows, SMS notifications, and CRM integration.
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing for large organizations with tailored solutions and dedicated support.

Ease of Use

TidyCal prides itself on simplicity. The user interface is clean and intuitive, making it easy for users to set up and manage their schedules. The learning curve is minimal, making it an excellent choice for those who want a hassle-free scheduling tool.

Calendly offers a more feature-rich experience, which can be both an advantage and a drawback. While the extensive features provide more flexibility, they can also make the initial setup process more complex. However, once configured, Calendly is user-friendly and efficient.

Overall Value

TidyCal provides excellent value, especially with its lifetime access option. For a one-time fee, users gain access to all features, making it a cost-effective solution for individuals and small businesses. Its simplicity and ease of use make it a great choice for those who need straightforward scheduling without ongoing costs.

Calendly offers a robust set of features suitable for individuals, small businesses, and larger organizations. Its integration capabilities and advanced scheduling options make it a powerful tool for those who need more flexibility and automation in their scheduling process. While the subscription-based pricing can add up, the value provided by its comprehensive feature set justifies the cost for many users.


Choosing between TidyCal and Calendly depends on your specific needs and budget:

  • TidyCal is ideal for users seeking a cost-effective, simple, and efficient scheduling tool with all the necessary features for managing appointments without recurring fees.
  • Calendly is better suited for users who need advanced scheduling options, extensive integrations, and automation features, making it worth the subscription cost for businesses that require these capabilities.

Both tools offer free plans, so you can try them out to see which one best fits your workflow before committing to a paid plan.


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